Thursday, September 18, 2008

5K in November!

This blog has been very quiet lately. Probably because we've all been super busy running and biking and aerobicizing and pushin-up-ing and generally being kick-ass and healthy human beings. Personally, I'd like to start running again, but motivation is hard without a goal. So how about this goal?

On November 1st, there will be a 5K race in Nacogdoches, benefiting CASA of Deep East Texas and winding through Pecan Park. You can read all about it on their website. I think it sounds great - good cause, nice excuse to run Lanana Creek Trail, perfect time of year, and far enough off to get back in shape. So what do you say, Nacogdoches peeps? Are you ready to rock another attempt at 5K-dom? I hope so, because running by myself is lonely!

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Feeling Fit

As of late I have backed off from running a bit because I have been dreading it and I think I have gotten to where I am really bored with it. Every once in a while I'll bust out 1 or 2 miles and still feel pretty accomplished at the end. I don't want to lose being able to run at least 2 miles but I won't be focused too much on how fast I can do it and just that I can do it without stopping.

I have been hitting the weights again and really enjoying it. I have also been utilizing the fitness classes being led in the Recreation Center on campus. I'm starting to feel alive again during my workouts and a bit obsessed (not a bad thing as long as I don't over do it) with my activities. On my easier days I have been playing an hour game of racquetball. Well, I say I am playing racquetball but when you do not know the rules of the game it's just basically whacking the little blue ball as often as you can and keep it up.

I'm hoping that my little muscles will come back again. :)

Hope everyone is fit and happy.

Sunday, July 6, 2008


walked the dogs for 30 minutes and about to head out to the rec center with some family members for some group exercising.

hope everyone had a happy 4th.

Thursday, July 3, 2008


Tuesday: Step Aerobics = 1 hour

Wednesday: Ran 2 miles at the slow pace of 23 minutes; finished out the rest of the hour with weight training for upper body

Thursday/today: I'll weight train for my lower body and also work on abs

Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Fl(ab) work

Yesterday and Friday I worked out with weights for upper and lower body. I also did ab work with Swiss exercise balls.

Today my abs are screaming. It's nice to know that I have some muscles there after all. :)

Thursday, June 26, 2008

gimp along

I wish I had a video of me waking up this morning and getting out of bed. I hobbled all the way to the shower. Thank goodness for hot water on sore muscles. It's been a while since I've done step aerobics, y'all. :)

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

faster! faster! faster!

I can hear crickets in here from the lack of use. Doh!


Saturday - one hour walk with the dogs
Sunday - roller skated for 30 minutes with one dog and then skated 20 more minutes on my own
Monday - 50 minutes on the elliptical trainer
Tuesday - Step Aerobics at the Rec Center for 1 hour
Wednesday - 2 mile run at a slow 24 minutes and then weight training to finish up the hour.

My body feels like crap but mentally I feel great. **Body feels like crap becuz I'm having jacked up cycles due to new BC pills.